Thursday, October 10, 2013

Nova Southeastern University - 34th Annual Disabiltiy Expo - 2013

ARTIST NOTE: I was the featured artist at this year's Nova Southeastern University Disability Expo. I've been advised by people who are suppose to know about these things not to post this information, but I'm going to do it anyway. Why? Because I'm an advocate of Mental Health Issue's in my community, having suffered for many years from depression myself. I participate & contribute my time, energy and artwork to different local Agencies who promote healing through the arts. I make no apologies for who I am or where I've come from. I know from my own experience how Art, Writing & Music have been a helpful part in my own recovery process. Having said that, I feel relieved knowing going forward I no longer have to worry about being "found out". Too often in our society people with mental health issue's are looked down upon, isolated & made to feel less than human! My response to that is in the theme for this year's show, "Try Seeing the World Through Our Eyes." In other words try walking a mile in our shoes before making negative judgement's on those who are little different!

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