Welcome to my blog
I've included a video bar with two video's I made last year using a little program called Window's Movie Maker, anyone running windows can access this program. It is user friendly and for those who don't have a camcorder, anyone can create their own video's in less than one hour. These video's are basically a photographic progression of some of my early works, Two of the videos included are two portraits done in an abstract expressionist style, where my main focus was attempting to capture the pose and attitude, more than a likeness.
Note: Over the next few weeks, I'll be posting some of my work, several of these pieces were included in the video on my video bar, by posting on my blog as well, will allow viewers a closer look and additional info regarding medium & size... I think it's important to note that my Art Blog is a way for me document my journey as an artist over time and share the experience with my readers. (I have no followers at this point perhaps that will change going forward.) Having started late in life pursuing this passion for Painting and Writing - I understand, I will always be a wanna be, that is a perpetual student of the Arts. I don't believe I'll ever get to the point where I feel I've arrived, regardless of whether I am able to sell my paintings or not. At this stage, I simply want to learn a new skill set... painting. Painting everything and finding inspiration everywhere. The world around me is full of unlimited resources I can learn from. From my own backyard, books, magazines, libraries, museums, the internet ect. All free.
It is important to note I have suffered from depression for years. I think if it wasn't for God and Art I would probably be dead by now. So Art is good medicine and one of the tools of therapy I use to help with my recovery. Not only Visual Arts, but also Writing and Music have been helpful and a God send for me. Having said that let me share some thoughts on what I enjoy painting most, without a doubt "Landscapes" because I want to somehow be able to learn to capture the Beauty of God's Creation with my brush and paints. The Landscape for me takes me places spiritually and emotionally that depression tries to steal. Landscapes bring light into to a very dark place I sometimes find myself in. I've found I'm able to paint my way out of the Abyss and break the crushing fist of depression. Depression is symbolic of death where hope is lost and fear rules. I find great comfort in prayer and painting, it gives me a sense of peace that surpasses all human understanding. All I know is when I'm living in the moment, creating, painting, writing or playing music, the darkness lets go and fades to shades of grey and from there I'm lead into light, a spiritual light that heals, and finally frees me. God intended for me to be: "HAPPY," "CONTENT," "STRONG," ALIVE AND COMFORTABLE IN MY OWN SKIN. I know now if I'm not obsessing about the past and what happened before or the future and what might happen tomorrow; if I can stay focused on the moment, on the here and now and trust God will get me through each day, I can make it. With my paints and brushes in one hand and his Spirit guiding my mind, heart and brush strokes I will find his blessings and healing all the days of my life. Amen
Again, I am self taught, with no real formal education in Art. But I am influenced and have studied the work of the Old Masters "Monet" "Van Gogh" and several other Impressionist and Classical Painters as well. Additionally, more contemporary painting styles of some of my favorite Landscape Painters such as Tim Gagnon, Max Grunin, William Hawkins and David Dunlap and Mural Joe from Youtube to name a few. Also, I have the pleasure to have met and painted with artist I personally know and admire, Mickey Ray and Trevor Bailey who I consider mentors. Also the Art Director Hans Huebel from Memorial Hospitals Rebels Center who has been supportive in my recovery. He is teaching me the basic nuts and bolts of painting. So this is what this "Brushworks by Monte Art Blog" is all about. Please feel free to contact me regarding any of the paintings, books or commentary I make in the coming months and hopefully years...don't know where it will take me but I'm on the Road to Discovery, not looking back but forging ahead to a better tomorrow!
Hope you enjoy the video's and my art work and again...thanks for watching! Please follow my blog and progress and share this journey with me... all are welcome in this play ground.
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